Monday, February 11, 2013

Asherman's syndrome journey

My journey has caused scars. Some are physical scars from the many surgeries I've endured to correct the complication I developed and from my first operation. Some are not just scars but the internal adhesions that I developed and continue to reform due to the damage that was caused. The most painful scars are the invisible ones, the scars of my wounded heart. Some scars are old, some are more recent. My heart bears the scars of hurtful words, spoken out of ignorance, but injuring just the same. The insensitive comments, baby shower invitations, birth announcements and pictures sent of your babies make scars like deep paper cuts across the surface of our hearts. These things remain unopened. I have tried to explain my condition and the physical pain associated with this condition but some still fail to want to learn. Or try to think about the financial burdens this has caused us. I have many physical scars and scars tattooed on my heart.
The Great Physician takes his place at my bedside to brush away the tears and bind the wounds. Even if  I cannot sense his presence, God promises to be near to me, ever working, ever binding the wounds, healing the hurt. He truly understands the hurt the heart carries. My scars will be a magnificent vehicle for my testimony of healing to another who comes behind me baring similar scars.
It has led me to be an advocate for Asherman's syndrome with the help of the International Asherman's Association. Us woman of the IAA provide support and guidance to woman suffering through this rare condition. I have met many wonderful women and wish we all didn't live across the globe from one another.
My scars have led me to the most welcoming, compassionate, caring doctor. Always going above and beyond and making his patients feel like they are his only patient. He means the world to me. I can't thank him enough for his support and the exceptional care he provides for me. He makes it much easier to travel 2,000 miles from Minneapolis to Los Angeles for surgery for my rare condition. He is the expert at AS and due to my severity is the reason I travel the distance. He is one of the only RE's in the world with the skill to treat this rare condition and the severity of my case. He has a passion for helping woman with AS and it truly shows. It is a blessing that my journey has guided me in his direction.